Paws for a Cause: The Importance of Spaying and Neutering Your Pets

Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Laur here from Must Love Dogs PDX, and today we're diving into a critical topic that affects all of us: controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering. There are more cats and dogs than there are available adoptive homes, leading to the heartbreaking reality that healthy and adoptable animals are still regularly euthanized in US shelters.

The Humane Society of the United States estimates that of the 3 million cats and dogs euthanized in shelters each year, approximately 2.4 million (80%) are healthy and treatable and could have been adopted into new homes. In Oregon alone, thousands of pets enter shelters annually, with many facing uncertain futures.

Why Spaying and Neutering Matters

Spay and neuter programs are proven ways to reduce pet overpopulation and help healthy, adoptable cats and dogs find families to love and care for them. By making this choice for your pet, you're not only enhancing their health but also contributing to the greater good.

A Quick List of Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering:

  1. Spaying your female dog or cat can help her live a longer, healthier life by eliminating the risk of uterine infections and reducing the risk of breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50% of dogs and 90% of cats.

  2. Neutering your male dog or cat helps prevent testicular cancer if done before six months of age.

  3. Spayed females do not go into heat, reducing behaviors like yowling and frequent urination.

  4. Neutered males feel less of an urge to roam and are less likely to get into fights or be injured.

  5. Spaying and neutering do not make your pet fat; weight gain is caused by overfeeding and lack of exercise.

Cost and Community Benefits

Spaying or neutering your pet is a cost-effective decision that helps reduce the burden on community resources. Stray animals pose real problems, such as preying on wildlife, causing car accidents, and creating disturbances. By controlling the pet population, we can reduce the number of strays and improve the quality of life in our communities. We know that the financial component of these kinds of services can be daunting, so we’ve pulled together a list of local options that are advertised at “low-cost” or have low-income pay options.

List of Spay and Neuter Services

Please reach out to them for availability and more information:

Oregon Humane Society

  • Address: 1067 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR 97211

  • Phone: (503) 285-7722

  • Cost:

    • Canine Spay: $600

    • Canine Neuter: $375

  • Availability: High demand; new appointments released online the last Monday of each month at 10 a.m.

  • Other Notes: Contact for scheduling small animal spay/neuter services.

Portland Animal Welfare Team

  • Address: 723 NE Evans Street

  • Phone: 503-472-0341

  • Cost:

    • Cat Spay: $95

    • Cat Neuter: $80

    • Small Dog Spay (2-20 lbs): $140

    • Small Dog Neuter (2-20 lbs): $110

    • Medium Dog Spay (21-40 lbs): $150

    • Medium Dog Neuter (21-40 lbs): $120

    • Large Dog Spay (41-60 lbs): $200

    • Large Dog Neuter (41-60 lbs): $160

    • XL Dog Spay (61-100 lbs): $220

    • XL Dog Neuter (61-100 lbs): $180

    • Giant Dog Spay (over 100 lbs): $250

    • Giant Dog Neuter (over 100 lbs): $200

  • Availability: Additional fees for dogs in heat or senior pets (7 years and older). $20 extra for residents outside of Yamhill County.

  • Other Notes: Surgery prices include pain medication.

    Willamette Animal Guild

    • Address: 3045 Royal Ave, Eugene, OR 97402

    • Phone: 541-345-3566

    • Cost:

      • Dogs under 50 lbs: $195

      • Dogs 50–90 lbs: $275

      • Dogs 91-100 lbs: add $100

      • Dogs 101-120 lbs: add $200

      • Dogs 120+ lbs: add $300

    • Availability: Contact for details.

    • Other Notes: Provides affordable spay/neuter services.

    Northwest Spay and Neuter

    • Address: 6401 Pacific Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

    • Phone: 253-627-7729

    • Cost:

      • Dog Spay or Neuter

        • 0-24.9 lbs: $160

        • 25-49.9 lbs: $180

        • 50-74.9 lbs: $195

        • 75-99.9 lbs: $220

        • 100 lbs+: $370

    • Availability: Contact for details.

    • Other Notes: Located in Tacoma, providing services for the broader region.

If you know of other local resources, we'd love to hear from you! Email us at to connect.

Take Action Today!!

Please be part of the solution and get your pets spayed and neutered. It’s one of the most significant health decisions you can make for them, and it helps control the pet population, ensuring more animals find loving homes.

For more information or to book an appointment, reach out to the organizations listed above. Let’s work together to create a better future for our furry friends.

As always, tell your dog I said hi!!


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