Keeping Your Dog Safe and Secure During Fireworks

Happy Fourth of July! While this day is a celebration of freedom and fun for many, it can be a source of anxiety and fear for our furry friends during the time of active fireworks. Despite the ban on fireworks in Portland, we know that many will still use them, creating loud noises that can be distressing for dogs. Here are some tips to help keep your dogs safe and feeling secure if they hear fireworks.

1. Play White Noise

Using a white noise sound machine can help drown out the noise of fireworks. The consistent sound can mask the sudden and loud noises, providing a calming effect for your dog.

2. Prepare a Safe Space

Create a safe space where your dog can hide. This could be a quiet room or a designated area in your home. Crate training is especially beneficial for this purpose. If your dog is properly crate trained, they will already associate their crate with a safe and secure space that they can retreat to. When they become startled, they know their crate is a place they can turn to for comfort. However, if the crate has been associated with fear or punishment, it can cause more panic in a time that your dog is already experiencing distress. Ensure that your dog views their crate positively and as a safe haven.

3. Keep Doors and Windows Shut

Keep all doors and windows shut while fireworks are active. There is a 30-60% increase in dogs going missing on the 4th of July, as reported by DVM360. When dogs become fearful, they may seek refuge by escaping. The fear and adrenaline can cause them to run away in search for this safety if they cannot immediately find it in your home or on your property. By securing your dog in the home, you can reduce the risk of your dog running away.

4. Provide Enrichment Options

Make sure to have enrichment options available to provide a new distraction for your dog. This can include puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, or interactive games that keep their mind engaged and distracted from the noise.

5. Offer Reassurance

Offer your dog additional reassurance before, during, and after the fireworks. Your presence and calm demeanor can help them feel more comfortable and secure. Spend time with them, offer gentle petting, and speak to them in a soothing tone to provide comfort. If they have an accident, or display other out-of-character behaviors during this time, lead with compassion and understanding; the last thing they need in these moments is to be scolded or reprimanded.

6. Consider a Thunder Vest

If your dog can tolerate it, consider using a thunder vest. This is a compression vest that utilizes Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT), similar to a weighted blanket for humans. The physical pressure can have a calming effect and help reduce anxiety during loud events like fireworks.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your dog safe and secure during fireworks requires preparation and attentiveness. By following these tips, you can help minimize their anxiety and ensure they feel protected during the celebrations.

We wish everyone and their pups a safe and happy fourth of July!


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