Lazy Training Hacks: Keeping Your Dog Busy While You Recover

Hi everyone! As some of you might know, I recently sprained my ankle and am bedridden for the next few days. While it's not the most fun situation, it's given me a chance to highlight some of my favorite "lazy training" hacks. These tricks are perfect for keeping your dog's body busy when you can't be as active. Here are a few ideas to try out:

1. Quick Clicks

Even from the comfort of your bed or couch, you can still engage your dog in some training with what I like to call Quick Clicks.

  • What You Need: Clicker, treats.

  • How It Works: Keep your clicker and treats close by. Toss a treat and give the command "find it," "seek," or "search." When your dog returns to you, wait for them to sit (or command them to if needed), and then "capture" the good behavior by marking it with the clicker. Continue this process, sending them off for another treat and reinforcing calm, attentive behavior.

2. DIY Snuffle Mat

A simple snuffle mat can keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated, then ready for a nap after.

  • What You Need: Towel or blanket, kibble or treats.

  • How It Works: Lay the towel out flat and sprinkle kibble and treats across it. Roll the towel up and twist it into a donut shape, or tie it into a knot if it's long enough. Present it to your dog and let them work to find the hidden snacks. This activity not only occupies their time but also taps into their natural foraging instincts and will tire them out with minimal prep and effort on your end.

3. Freeze It

Frozen treats are a great way to keep your dog busy and happy. Not to mention COOL in this summer’s heat.

  • What You Need: Kong toys, ice trays, peanut butter, kibble, purees.

  • How It Works: Stuff Kong toys with peanut butter and freeze them. You can also mash up kibble, mix it with water, and freeze it in Kong toys or ice trays. Another option is to freeze treats and purees in ice trays for a refreshing snack. The cold treats will keep your dog entertained for longer as they work to get every last bit.

We Want to Hear from You!

What are some of your go-to lazy training hacks for keeping your dog busy when you're not able to be as active? Drop your suggestions in the comments below!

Don’t forget!! Staying engaged with your dog, even when you're not at your best physically, is important for their mental and physical health. Hopefully, these hacks help you keep your pup entertained and happy while you recover (or just aren’t feeling it).

Wishing you all happy training and a speedy recovery for those who might be on the mend like me!

Tell your dog I said hi,


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